✨ Features
URL Query Parameters

URL Query Parameters

LibreChat supports dynamic configuration of chat conversations through URL query parameters. This feature allows you to initiate conversations with specific settings, models, and endpoints directly from the URL.

Chat Paths

Query parameters must follow a valid chat path:

  • For new conversations: /c/new?
  • For existing conversations: /c/[conversation-id]? (where conversation-id is an existing one)


Basic Usage

The most common parameters to use are endpoint and model. Using both is recommended for the most predictable behavior:

URL Encoding

Special characters in query params must be properly URL-encoded to work correctly. Common characters that need encoding:

  • :%3A
  • /%2F
  • ?%3F
  • #%23
  • &%26
  • =%3D
  • +%2B
  • Space → %20 (or +)

Example with special characters:

Original: `Write a function: def hello()`
Encoded: `/c/new?prompt=Write%20a%20function%3A%20def%20hello()`

You can use JavaScript’s built-in encodeURIComponent() function to properly encode prompts:

const prompt = "Write a function: def hello()";
const encodedPrompt = encodeURIComponent(prompt);
const url = `/c/new?prompt=${encodedPrompt}`;

Try running the code in your browser console to see the encoded URL (browser shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+I).

Endpoint Selection

The endpoint parameter can be used alone:

When only endpoint is specified:

  • It will use the last selected model from localStorage
  • If no previous model exists, it will use the first available model in the endpoint’s model list


  • The endpoint value must be one of the following:
openAI, azureOpenAI, google, anthropic, assistants, azureAssistants, bedrock, agents
  • If using a custom endpoint, you can use its name as the value (case-insensitive)
# using `endpoint=perplexity` for a custom endpoint named `Perplexity`

Model Selection

The model parameter can be used alone:

When only model is specified:

  • It will only select the model if it’s available in the current endpoint
  • The current endpoint is either the default endpoint or the last selected endpoint

Prompt Parameter

The prompt parameter allows you to pre-populate the chat input field: quantum computing

You can also use q as a shorthand, which is interchangeable with prompt: quantum computing

You can combine these with other parameters: quantum computing

Automatic Prompt Submission

The submit parameter allows you to automatically submit the prompt without manual intervention: quantum computing&submit=true

This feature is particularly useful for:

  • Creating automated workflows (e.g., Raycast, Alfred, Automater)
  • Building external integrations

You can combine it with other parameters for complete automation: quantum computing&submit=true

Special Endpoints


You can directly load an agent using its ID without specifying the endpoint:

This will automatically set the endpoint to agents.


Similarly, you can load an assistant directly:

This will automatically set the endpoint to assistants.

Supported Parameters

LibreChat supports a wide range of parameters for fine-tuning your conversation settings:

LibreChat Settings

  • maxContextTokens: Override the system-defined context window
  • resendFiles: Control file resubmission in subsequent messages
  • promptPrefix: Set custom instructions/system message
  • imageDetail: ‘low’, ‘auto’, or ‘high’ for image quality
    • Note: while this is a LibreChat-specific parameter, it only affects the following endpoints:
    • OpenAI, Custom Endpoints, which are OpenAI-like, and Azure OpenAI, for which this defaults to ‘auto’
  • spec: Select a specific LibreChat Model Spec by name.
    • Note: other parameters will not take effect, only those defined by the model spec.

Model Parameters

Different endpoints support various parameters:

OpenAI, Custom, Azure OpenAI:

# Note: these should be valid numbers according to the provider's API
temperature, presence_penalty, frequency_penalty, stop, top_p, max_tokens

Google, Anthropic:

# Note: these should be valid numbers according to the provider's API
topP, topK, maxOutputTokens

Anthropic Specific:

Set this to true or false to toggle the “prompt-caching”:


More info:


# Bedrock region
# Bedrock equivalent of `max_tokens`

Assistants/Azure Assistants:

# overrides existing assistant instructions for current run
# Adds the current date and time to `additional_instructions` for each run.

More Info

For more information on any of the above, refer to Model Spec Preset Fields, which shares most parameters.

Example with multiple parameters: hi mark

⚠️ Warning

Exercise caution when using query parameters:

  • Misuse or exceeding provider limits may result in API errors
  • If you encounter bad request errors, reset the conversation by clicking “New Chat”
  • Some parameters may have no effect if they’re not supported by the selected endpoint

Best Practices

  1. Always use both endpoint and model when possible
  2. Verify parameter support for your chosen endpoint
  3. Use reasonable values within provider limits
  4. Test your parameter combinations before sharing URLs

Parameter Validation

All parameters are validated against LibreChat’s schema before being applied. Invalid parameters or values will be ignored, and valid settings will be applied to the conversation.

This feature enables powerful use cases like:

  • Sharing specific conversation configurations
  • Creating bookmarks for different chat settings
  • Automating chat setup through URL parameters

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