🌍 Translation

Translation Guide

Thank you for your interest in translating LibreChat! We rely on community contributions to make our application accessible to users around the globe. All translations are managed via Locize, a robust translation management system that seamlessly integrates with our project.

How Translations Work

  • Centralized Management: All translation strings for LibreChat are maintained in one location on Locize. This centralization ensures consistency and simplifies updates across the entire application.

  • Automatic Updates: Changes made in Locize are automatically synchronized with our project. You can monitor the translation progress for each language through dynamic badges in our repository.

  • Community Driven: We welcome contributions in every language. Your help makes LibreChat accessible to a broader audience and supports users in their native languages.

Translation Progress

Below is our current translation progress for some of the supported languages. Feel free to check these badges and help us improve the translations further:

LanguageTranslation Progress Badge
English (en)EN Badge
Arabic (ar)AR Badge
German (de)DE Badge
Spanish (es)ES Badge
Estonian (et)ET Badge
Finnish (fi)FI Badge
French (fr)FR Badge
Hebrew (he)HE Badge
Indonesian (id)ID Badge
Italian (it)IT Badge
Japanese (ja)JA Badge
Georgian (ka)KA Badge
Korean (ko)KO Badge
Dutch (nl)NL Badge
Polish (pl)PL Badge
Portuguese (pt-PT)PT-PT Badge
Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)PT-BR Badge
Russian (ru)RU Badge
Swedish (sv)SV Badge
Thai (th)TH Badge
Turkish (tr)TR Badge
Vietnamese (vi)VI Badge
Chinese (Simplified) (zh-Hans)ZH-HANS Badge
Chinese (Traditional) (zh-Hant)ZH-HANT Badge

Getting Started

Before you begin translating, please follow the steps below to set up your Locize account and start contributing.

Step 1: Create a Locize Account

  1. Visit the Registration Page

    Choose your preferred language and click the corresponding link to register:

  2. Fill in Your Details: Enter your email, password, and any other required information, then click Sign Up.

Create Account

Step 2: Explore the Locize Dashboard

After signing up, you’ll be directed to the Locize dashboard, where you can see an overview of the translation project.

  • Dashboard Overview: This page displays the available languages and progress statistics for the project.

Landing Page

Step 3: Select Your Language

  1. Open the Language Dropdown: Click the dropdown menu that lists all supported languages.

  2. Choose Your Preferred Language: For example, if you want to translate into Dutch, scroll down and select Dutch.

Dropdown with Languages

Step 4: Navigate to the Translation Page

After selecting your language, click on the translation progress indicator (for example, “35.61% translated”). This will take you to the page where you can contribute translations.

Selected Dutch Click on Translation

Step 5: Contribute Your Translation

  1. Browse the Translation Strings: The interface displays a list of translation keys along with their original texts.

  2. Select a String to Translate: Click on the string you wish to work on.

  3. Enter Your Translation: Type your translated text into the input field provided next to the original text.

  4. Review Your Work: Ensure that your translation is accurate and clear.

Start with Translating

Step 6: Save and Submit Your Translation

  1. Submit Your Translation: Once you’re satisfied with your translation, click the Save button to submit it for review.

  2. Pending Review: Your submitted translation will be marked as pending and will be reviewed by project maintainers.

Saved Submitted Translation Waiting for Review

Step 7: Translation Approval

After review, your translation will be approved and integrated into the project.

  • Approved Translation: Once approved, your contribution will be reflected in the Locize dashboard and the overall translation progress.

Translation Approved

Handling {{0}} and {{1}} in Translation Strings

Sometimes translation strings need to include dynamic content. These dynamic parts, called interpolations, are represented by placeholders enclosed in double curly brackets (e.g., {{0}} or {{1}}). When translating such strings, it’s important to maintain these placeholders in the correct positions.

Below are two examples to help guide you:

Example 1: Single Interpolation

Consider the translation key com_assistants_completed_action. The original English text is:

Talked to {{0}}

For the German translation, ensure the placeholder remains intact and is placed appropriately:

Mit {{0}} gesprochen

This image shows how a single interpolation is represented in a translation string:

Single Interpolation

Example 2: Multiple Interpolations

Now, look at the translation key com_files_number_selected, which includes two placeholders. The English version is:

{{0}} of {{1}} item(s) selected

In the German translation, both placeholders must be preserved and positioned correctly:

{{0}} von {{1}} Datei(en) ausgewählt

This image illustrates how multiple interpolations appear in translation strings:

Multiple Interpolations

Adding a New Language

If you don’t see your language listed in our translation table, you can help us expand our language support:

  1. Create a New Issue: Open a new issue in our GitHub repository: LibreChat Issues.

  2. Select the New Language Request Template: Use the New Language Request template and provide:

  • The full name of your language (e.g., Spanish, Mandarin).
  • The ISO 639-1 code for your language (e.g., es for Spanish).
  1. Collaborate with Maintainers: Our maintainers will review your request and work with you to integrate the new language. Once approved, your language will appear in the translation progress table, and you can start contributing.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to:

  • Open an Issue: Submit an issue in our repository: LibreChat Issues.

  • Join Our Discord Community: Connect with fellow translators on our Discord server.

  • Contact a Maintainer: Reach out directly to one of our project maintainers for additional support.

Your contributions help make LibreChat accessible to users worldwide. Thank you for supporting our project, and happy translating!

We thank Locize for their translation management tools that support multiple languages in LibreChat.

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